Viper Rendezvous Aftermath


May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Omaha, NE
What a great time this weekend in Hastings NE and the MPH track. George was a great host and Ryan Furstenau and Woodhouse put on a spectacular event.

Day 1 was a meet and greet and classroom training to learn the rules of the road for newbies and understand the course. The instructors were top notch and a lot of us Midewesterners learned a great deal about racing. Each one of us recieved a packet of great information to reference and then the track time began. The instructors drove with each person adn a lead car kept the pace to a minimum to allow us to get used to the track. This was very helpful for us rookies. After 2 runs for the day we enjoyed Dinner and of course the after hours time getting to know one another. Late that night and into the early morning was a horrific thunderstorm but all the snakes were safe from the elements.

Day 2 The weather was perfect with the sun out and the track dry we were ready to go. Ther was a great mix of Vipers on the track. Several GEN1 and 2's both Rt/10's and GTS cars. Bob Woodhouse was running around in a Comp Coupe and making a lot of noise. Several GEN 4 cars including 2 ACR's and an ACR-x were running the course. We were split up into 3 groups according to skill level. Everyone had a great day of racing with very few spinouts on the course. After the days racing was over everyone that wanted to had a chance to take out a Cobalt SS that had a governor placed on it to see who could turn the best time in one lap. Several techniques were used to get along the finsih line faster with no avail. One person even put thecar off the track only doing about 40mph(me) and got a good laugh from the crowd. Dinner that night was Prime rib with all the fixins for everyone at the track clubhouse (Gaurdrail Club). Then we all took our full stomaches back out on the track to have Go-cart races for the next few hours.

Day 3 The track conditions were not ideal however it gave everyone a chance to try out their WET track skills till the sun came out and dried things up. The rest of the day was spent with open racing, lunch and a group photo.

Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Minnesota clubs were in attendance and all felt this was a great event and will all be back next year with extra folks to join.

A big thanks goes out to the sponsors, Track crew, Instructors, Caterers and the town of Hastings for having us in your town.

I would also like to thank everyone that made this event such a success and a great time.


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