JULY 1 - New 'Civil Fines' for traffic infractions - Must Read


Aug 29, 2005
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Sterling, VA
New laws go into effect on July 1 that allow the State of Virginia to impose a 'civil' fee, on top of the court costs, and fee's, that the judge cannot waive.

Most violations will incur a initial $300 fee followed by 2 additional payments to the state of $300.

How this law got passed, I don't know.. but I'd vote every representative that supported this out next election. This is quite disappointing.

Here is an article about it: http://ourvalley.org/news.php?viewStory=831

and here is the law (PDF): http://www.courts.state.va.us/publications/hb_3202.pdf

Here's the article:

New traffic ‘civil remedial fees’ will wallop the wallets of traffic offenders

Cathy Benson

“The General Assembly dubbed the law the 'Dangerous Driver Law,' but it is much more far reaching than that,” said Tommy Moore, clerk of the Botetourt Circuit Court.

It will keep the clerk's office busy collecting the first of three annual civil fee payments from drivers convicted of any number of traffic violations. The civil fees will be on top of traffic fines courts impose, and are part of the new financial package to help fund Virginia's beleaguered highway department.

For instance, an offender charged and convicted of reckless driving for going 20 mph over the speed limit would pay the traffic fines and court costs, plus be asessed a $1,000 civil fee. One-third of the civil fee would have to be paid the day of the conviction. The rest would be paid in two equal installments over the next two years. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is responsible for collecting the final two payments

The new system is designed to spread the fees into three yearly payments.
The fees could reach into the hundreds or thousands of dollars for some traffic offenders.
The idea, according to published a report, is “Drive Safe and Save Money.”
“We felt it would be a good thing to do for public safety and a unique way to raise more funding,” said Del. Steve Landes, (R-Weyers Cave,) who co-sponsored the legislation this past winter.

The civil fees will go into a newly created special transportation fund to pay for road construction.

Local elected officials didn't want to go on the record commenting on this way of raising funds for transportation in the state, but privately several said it was a way of keeping the Republican-controlled General Assembly from having to implement a new tax or raise taxes for the troubled transportation system. Gov. Tim Kaine, a Democrat, signed the bill into law.

Instead of direct taxes to fund transportation, some are calling the civil penalties “hidden fees.” They range from $250 to $3,000, depending on the traffic violation, and will be assessed on a variety of misdemeanor traffic violations including being a passenger in a hit and run or the failure to give a proper signal.

Moore provided a print out of violations that he received at the circuit court clerks conference on June 4 and 5. The print out filled five pages.

Many of the civil fees do address alcohol as was the intent of the “Dangerous Driver Law” when it originated, but the fees also may be accessed for such daily traffic violations as rolling through a stop sign (a fee of $300), or impeding traffic--a charge that's possible when stopping in front of your mailbox to get the mail. The civil fee alone for a conviction on the latter is $300.

Play an R or X rated movie on the van DVD player and if it is seen by someone in another vehicle, a driver can be charged and fined with having an obscene video image seen from outside the car. The civil fee is $300.
The new law takes effect July 1.

Botetourt County Commonwealth's Attorney Joel Branscom feels this will be hitting some folks who can least afford the extra fees.

If a convicted traffic offender does not pay the fees for whatever reason, the person's driver's license is revoked.

The fees will be hitting many of those who can least afford to lose a driver's permit, and the fallout could keep people from being able to work or pay child support, and that is already a part of the downward spiral many traffic offenders are already facing, said both Branscom and Moore, who see dire effects with the new set of civil fees.

“Judges have no leeway with the new law,” said Branscom. which means they cannot reduce or suspend the civil fees.

According to Moore, after the court collects the first civil fee installment, the DMV collects the next two yearly installments and will use a collection agency to retrieve those final two payments. That adds a layer of cost in collection that will reduce the benefit to road funding.

Those who have driving points on their record also will be assessed an additional $175 per point in civil fees for their previous record up to $700 if convicted of a new violation.

Drivers from out of state will not be penalized by the civil system of fees because “the state can not go beyond its borders to collect the (civil) fees,” said Moore. “These fees are for Virginia residents and those with a permit listing a Virginia address.”

July 1 looms in two weeks and the clerk's offices around the state are doing what they can to prepare for the collection of the first round of civil fees, which will bring a whole new aspect to traffic court in Virginia.


Oct 28, 2006
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I guess I'm not surprised coming from a state that outlaws radar detectors. You have some real automotive Natzis running the show there. :(


Jan 1, 2007
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Currituck, NC
This (and taxes) is exactly why I crossed the border to North Carolina 13 years ago. The ignorance and arrogance of the public officials (and yes, law officials) is WAY too much to live there any more. Va. has been in the news too, too much lately, and none of it is good. They are becoming the East Coast California:dunno:
No offense meant to you left coasters:smirk:

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