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  1. G

    Free Jon B

    Here is a repeat of what I posted back in March 2010, after several years of back and forth with Chris Marshall. Sounds like I could have written in today. To all my friends in the Motor City Viper Owners and VCA, I decided a few weeks ago to resign from the VCA ending a relationship that had...
  2. G

    Where does the VCA go from here (Positive Thread)!!!

    I think it is clear now. Legal action is the only path to end this mess. Chris Marshall, Lee, Marv, Bob Carroll, and the newest cronies need to leave viperdom forever. Trying to find a way to keep VPA is your ticket to finding a room with a view (of bars). I hope you enjoy your freedom, while...
  3. G

    Where does the VCA go from here (Positive Thread)!!!

    From a former member from inception through 2009. Left club due to disagreements with C. Marshall and the direction he was taking the club. Chris, Mary, Lee, Marv and Bob Carroll would have to be removed and prevented from attending any management function. Not sure how many others but those...
  4. G

    Rumors...what's the dealio?

    First post I have made here in 3 or so years. I am extremely happy the masses are finally seeing what is happening behind closed doors. And they have not seen anything yet! Bob Pantax you are wrong. For many of us the only vote we had was to quit paying membership dues to an address in Kansas...
  5. G

    Nannies won't neccessarily save you

    Well this is an interesting tit for tat, but meaningless in terms of actually affecting change. The way the system works is this: First the regulatory authority (NHTSA in this case) defines a need, then they create proposals. They may bring in OEMs, major suppliers or other experts to help...
  6. G

    Nannies won't neccessarily save you

    So a Mclaren is not a sports car (3 seats). Need to widen the requirements. How about the Porsche 911 (4 seats). And how about a hatchback (like the GTS/coupe)? No covered trunk space. And when you start saying a covered trunk is the requirement how about the Honda pick-up with a ... covered...
  7. G

    Nannies won't neccessarily save you

    Chuck please define sports car in a manner that is absolutely clear cut. Because if a regulation were to provide a deviation for one I would bet a most vehicles would become a "sports car." It is for that reason that you will not have regulations aligned with specific classes of vehicles. That...
  8. G

    Nannies won't neccessarily save you

    Sheesh, I was explaining why they implemented a regulation. I never said I supported it directly. Just being a realist amongst several "wingers." Neither the left wing Naderists nor the right winger freedomists are correct or speak for the majority. Without regulations of some kind what kind...
  9. G

    Nannies won't neccessarily save you

    You obviously missed the last decade and the issues that drove several safety related regulations. One of significance was the Firestone-Ford tire failure and rollover issue. The safety issue is when an unusual event such as a rapid tire deflation causes a normal driver to be unable to...
  10. G

    Stability Control and my 2009 SRT crash

    It was natural outcome of the Ford Explorer and Firestone tire fiasco. As were the rollover regulation increases. Now I am sure you all can find cases of expert drivers that would not have rolled over when the tires blew out, thus negating the need from the regulators perspective. But science...
  11. G

    Stability Control and my 2009 SRT crash

    It is a regulation, among the many thousands of regulations. Its effective point and its approval date are two different things. It is a regulation now and will be fully complied with next year (each OEM had to have a phase in plan to supported a phase in rate).
  12. G

    Stability Control and my 2009 SRT crash

    There seems to be a difference here between what some consider nannies and what others consider technological advances. No question that ESC and T/C invade the realm of a drivers direct control. I would prefer to call them "active" devices versus passive devices. Now there are other active...
  13. G

    Stability Control and my 2009 SRT crash

    I think we need to eleminate the ultimate nanny: the electric starter. I wonder if they had the nanny discussion back then. Or maybe the electonic control of ignition timing. I'll bet all the Model T guys complained about how sissified the cars were becoming with the elimination of the timing...
  14. G

    Nannies won't neccessarily save you

    I think we need to eleminate the ultimate nanny: the electric starter. I wonder if they had the nanny discussion back then. Or maybe the electonic control of ignition timing. I'll bet all the Model T guys complained about how sissified the cars were becoming with the elimination of the timing...
  15. G

    Going out on a nice!

    Yes there are systems out there that do this very thing. In fact about 10 years ago there was a system for the Viper. Before the Roe and Paxton kits became available. No it is not a zero sum situation as some indicate. Changing the inlet charge temperature allows advanced ignition timing...
  16. G

    POP vs Instant On

    Where is the proof? Or better yet how about some proof. And in your sentence "some" does not make literal sense. Sorry but some is not a comparative.
  17. G

    POP vs Instant On

    I already posted the Wiki reference. You click it with the left mouse button ... Now where is that data that states that NJ has the highest ticket costs in the US?
  18. G

    POP vs Instant On

    Highest-income places in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 100 highest-income places with at least 1,000 households This is a list of the 100 richest places in the United States with at least 1,000 households. This is the most common list used for referring to the richest...
  19. G

    POP vs Instant On

    Okay 1BAD you are impossible. You stated "some of the toughest and MOST COSTLY (DOLLAR WISE FINES ECT )TRAFFIC LAWS IN THE NATION." Now you come back and say only "toughest" Well you YELLED most costly. I only asked you how you came to that conclusion. I assume it is based on garbage, as most of...
  20. G

    POP vs Instant On

    Fact: Friendship Village, Maryland has the highest population density in the US at 82,000 people per square mile. Manhattan is next at 67,000 Gutenberg, NJ is next at 61,000 Now if you change that so it is by city boundaries we have the following (per the 1990 census): New York city NY 23,702...
  21. G

    POP vs Instant On

    Wow I never knew that NJ was so much the foremost in jurisprudence. Points for a driving record. Wow! Loss of driving privilege for a DWI. Wow! Having a pissed off cop on the bad side of the defendant. Double wow. That is a progressive state. Now you do know that is describing most states...
  22. G

    POP vs Instant On

    It is nearly impossible to do anything anonymously. Telephone numbers are shown immediately when you call the police. I am not afraid of retribution by the police. The vast majority are good police. The bad apples need culling. At least in this area.
  23. G

    POP vs Instant On

    The third and final example of your stating it is normal for NJ cops to use illegal search tactics and lie about it. This is NOT SPEEDING!
  24. G

    POP vs Instant On

    More of the same.
  25. G

    POP vs Instant On

    Your words!

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