Recent content by Snake#36

  1. S

    Most fun car ever?

    I bought a 67 Corvette convertible in 2k...4 speed, 327/350hp, side pipes, blue on blue with matching absolute blast to drive .....drove it every chance I got...
  2. S

    Gen II dash ?

    The arrow is a shift need to accelerate enough for the light to go out before shifting into 2nd gear......the wheel is the dash light brightness ....
  3. S

    2002 GTS Final Edition Rebuild COMPLETE

    Looks like you did an awesome job ....Congratulations!
  4. S

    My new 3 piece iforged wheels

    Sharp! Ha....must be a wife thing ....
  5. S

    New pics of my Blue/Black Coupe

    I 2nd that.....never been a fan of black rims but the blue lip sets them off...sweet ride..
  6. S

    Selling my TrunkTop on eBay

    Nope....good idea, might want to post the ebay item #......good luck...
  7. S

    Hi From Houston Tx

    Congratulations ....
  8. S

    Show us your garage!

    Aztvr.....commercial site...10 minutes from the house out great .....ALOT of car guys out there ....good times..
  9. S

    Show us your garage!

    Still under construction....
  10. S

    Loud exhaust

    Go back to the dealer & see if they still have the old exhaust .....& tell them you want it ....might get lucky....
  11. S

    what did I buy?

    Sharp car.....& Welcome!
  12. S

    Wanted Side Marker Lens Gen One

    VPA.....just saw the lense cover &'s listed under "body except doors"...I'm sure they have the marker lenses as well...
  13. S

    New Owner.. Truly my dream come true!

    William that's fantastic! Sounds like you've got your project already mapped out....when you get a minute ..check out's #36......p.s. well spoken nine ball...
  14. S

    Raleigh Cars & Coffee.....October

    I was hoping to attend the Raleigh c&c this Saturday .....started off with 9 of us cruising up there ....from Monday until this morning it's dwindled down to 2 of us ......guess I need to sit this one out & try to plan it for another time ......just wanted to give ya'll a heads up....we'll try...

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